Ahad, 20 April 2008

currently read my fav magz


It's been a while since my last post. Quite busy finishing the semester. Attended final exam and producing progress report for my research. Guess what, I've been so excited and happy since wednesday because my paper have been accepted for Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICE). The more happier is the paper have been accepted without any modification. This is my 2nd time of writting paper. The 1st one is for Malaysian Software Engineering Conference 2007 (MySEC07) but it had been fully rejected by the referees. From that on, I make sure that i don't do the same mistakes again. After sending the progress report to GSO, I wanna take a long break and do my accessories biz with full of my heart before the next coming semester start. I currently reading my fav magazine that give me a lot of inspiration in youngster fashion. hehe...

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