1) my laptop need a new hard disk. The hard disk was corrupted. i lost several works in it.
2) a bundle of work from my part time job make me feel that i have no life.
3) i got presentation today about my research and i do not know what to present because i have left it behind for weeks. the presentation will be heard by all lecturers in IS department ( the dean also in my department). So, i have to do the best.
4) i am broke. eventhough i do part time job, but it seems to be difficult to claim back what i work for.
huhu should i cry or what? every problems that i listed above are deadlocking each other.
Khamis, 18 September 2008
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2 ulasan:
alaalaalalala sian dieee
ermm gud luck ye tuk presentation, takut x takut x rmi lecturer tgk huhu nanti cite laa eh
laaa awat susah nak claim balik? cepat laa resign, kite same2 fokus kat tesis k
sok aku g upm tuk seminar cane wat tesis tu huhuhu
lina berusahaa yukkkk, tabahkan hati ('o')/
esok aku nk g seminar tuh gak..
tadi aku x present pun. aku dtg, seminar dh abes.. truk gile kn aku?
ptg nih aku nk g bli hdisk baru.
isnin ni aku nk anta surat resign sekali ngn claim utk 2 bulan. kalo die xnk bg duit gaji aku, aku reda dh. fokus aku skrg nk abes master.
pasal duit lak, aku mmg dh slalu mintak kt mak aku pun skrg so aku akan terus mintak smpai abes blaja(HUHU)
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