first, introducing the ingredients:
Onion, garlic, ginger,anchovies,dried chilies, coconut milk, tamarind, anchovies cube,water, oil, egg,rice, salt, sugar.
Onion, garlic, ginger,anchovies,dried chilies, coconut milk, tamarind, anchovies cube,water, oil, egg,rice, salt, sugar.
~blend onion,dried chilies,onion and anchovies cube~
1) cook the rice
~wash the rice before we cook it with coconut milk and slice of ginger.Add a pinch of salt~
2) prepare the side dishes (boiled egg and fried anchovies)3) cook the 'sambal'
~firstly, fry the slice onion. Then, add blended ingredients into the fry (dried chilies,onion,garlic,anchovies cube). add some tamarind juice (tamarind + water). Add salt and sugar.~
6 ulasan:
sedapnya nasi lemak... haha bole buat meniage nih ;)
x kuase nk berniaga.. mkn leh la.
nk berkenalan ngn cik suraya ke? xmau bg..
uh aku lah kelab penggemar nasi lemak
cedapnyee lina~
amik la resipi nasi lemak suraya ni dd. wat kat umah.
aik? kelab pengemar nasi lemak lak?
ape dah jadi ngn kelab pengemar kentang?
wow..nyum2 nampak sgt sedappp =)
{aida narina}simple je.. plz try this at home
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